Moving Die Rheometer is a continuous determination of rubber vulcanization process vulcanization performance of the equipment, because it has the characteristics of use small sample, test speed fast, test results with high precision,since 1960s, A wide range of vulcanization instrument have been developed, in rubber production and scientific research has been widely used. No Rotor Rheometer/Moving die rheometer has many different types, disc oscillation rheometer is the most widely used currently. In this article, the rheometer curve and rheoemter in the production and scientific research and application,do the following brief.
1.Moving Die Rheometer is widely used to determine the optimum rubber vulcanization time.
The traditional method for determining the optimum vulcanization time for a compound is to use fractional step method. Selected a series of curing point vulcanized rubber, and then do stress-strain test. According to the compound strength change. Make the vulcanization curve,the properties of strength and elongation , to determine the appropriate rubber compound curing time . But measured by rheometer,Using a vulcanizer,the optimum cure time can be selected directly from the measured cure . Compared with the traditional method. With a simple, fast, accurate, less consumption, small human error and so on.
2.Production quality control with the Moving Die Rheometer.
In the production, quality of finished products affected by many links such as mixing,ingredients,etc. The quality control in production has great significance,The vulcanizer is one of the effective quality control methods in rubber industry. The usual method is to establish a defined boundary value at several points along the vulcanization curve, and each batch of the finished product is subjected to a vulcanizer test to obtain the vulcanization curve of the batch. And compare with the curve and the provisions of the boundary value, The rubber material for waste rubber if deviation outside from the curve of these boundary value,this can reduce the useless processing to achieve production quality control purposes.
3.Recipe adjustment and development.
From the vulcanization curve can be seen on the recipe for mixing when the subtle changes. The effect of formulation changes on viscosity and scorch can be measured at the beginning of the curve. From the vulcanization curve of the degree of cross-linking and vulcanization of the flat line area can be seen with the curing agent on the curing rate and modulus of the impact. In this way, technicians can use the Moving Die Rheometer adjust the formula convenient and quickly. To achieve the desired recipe and vulcanization characteristics.
4.Evaluate the properties of the raw materials, such as polymer ,filler and accelerator,etc.
In this regard, the most widely used test method is to select the optimum cure time from the vulcanization curve. For the identification of the polymers, fillers, and accelerators to be identified, only a single specimen is prepared for stress-strain testing. Stress and strain test results to determine the quality of raw materials. Using this method for raw material identification can save a lot of time.
5.Research in vulcanization kinetics.
The vulcanization curve is the most commonly used method in the study of vulcanization kinetics
for nearly forty years. Due to the essence of the vulcanization reaction is cross-linked, so you can change the degree of crosslinking to represent the reaction kinetics. usually with a typical curing curve to reach the maximum torque point means vulcanization end, after the torque change is caused by the aging process, the aging process is Crosslinking and fracture of the competition process.Different raw rubber, chemical properties and curing temperature and other factors of vulcanizing agent, will come to a different vulcanization curve.In the aging process, due to cross-linking and fracture of the competition is different, three typical cure curves are obtained.
In short, the Moving die rheometer in the production of rubber products and scientific research have played a very important role ,For the production of rubber products and scientific research, is an accurate, fast and indispensable tool.
